Wednesday 24 April 2013

This is the first day of my life

My first post! How exciting!
I guess I should start with the basic facts of me. I have lived in London for the last year and a half since buying a one way ticket from Sydney/Australia. My life whilst being here has been a rollercoaster, I have traveled Europe, fallen in love, been crushed, come back out of it 'ok', landed an amazing job, had countless incredible moments, met the most interesting people and simply put I have made a home in this beautiful city.
 London what a city?! I took the photo above 6 months ago when I was with my ex boyfriend. I remember thinking how lucky I was to be able to have a frame of mind where I can change what I want, I can get on a plane tomorrow and move cities if I want to. Anyway I walk across this bridge mostly people watching every day to get to work and home. People say a lot about different cities, especially London.. One thing is for sure, this place makes the people. It changes people and it has changed me in countless ways..

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